
  • Roy Dupuis Remo Girone Samian Roger Léger
  • 120分钟
  •  莫斯基,一位年轻的本地小伙子,遇上了黑帮人物诺曼…  莫斯基,一位年轻的本地小伙子,遇上了黑帮人物诺曼德,莫斯基接受了诺曼德的一次奇怪的交易;洛伦佐,一位老意大利移民,正在寻找快速赚钱的方法来挽救垂危的妻子;文森特,一个被迫从事非法交易的医生......三个男人的命运在月食之夜发生了冲突......  Boucane, a young Native fresh off the reserve, meets Norman, a former mob boss, reduced to doing odd-jobs for his new bosses. Lorenzo, an old Italian immigrant on his last dime, is looking for some fast cash to fulfil his dying wife's last wish. Vincent, a doctor stripped of his medical license, is forced to work for the insidious Chinese mob. Three men, each looking for a way out. Their fates collide on the night of a lunar eclipse.


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